
China Newsletter on Maritime and Commercial Arbitration (CHNOMACA)

China's Yangshan Port tops New Container Port Performance Index

FROM:CMAC | 2023-06-30

Developed by the World Bank and S&P Global Market Intelligence, the third edition of the Container Port Performance Index (CPPI) is a data-based comparable index that ranks 348 global container ports according to their efficiency, measured by the elapsed time between when a ship reaches a port to its departure from the berth having completed its cargo exchange.

One of the highlights of the report is China's Yangshan Port, which topped the list despite a period of severe damage caused by the 2022 typhoon and various other factors. In addition to Yangshan Port, China's ports as a whole shone, with six other Chinese container ports on the CPPI of the world's top 20 most efficient ports, with Ningbo Port ranked 7th, Guangzhou Port ranked 9th, Hong Kong ranked 11th, Shekou Port ranked 13th, Ma Wan Port ranked 14th, and Tianjin ranked 20th.

(Source: Beyond Shipping)